Garden Plans > 2016: Beckham Garden

About this Garden Plan

Beckham Garden

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Bon Winde Rd, Georgetown, TX
Garden Size: 34' 5" x 89' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Basil 67"5" x 9"Prudeces like crazy. Trying to bolt by mid July -- cut off blossems
Beans (Pole)
 Kentucky Wonder Organic
79"5" x 1' 1"planted 4/7/16 with innoculant 61316 - Vining like crazy. Lots of red flowers, no pods pick when 7-9" long All beans grew and had blossoms excepty Bluelake. non really produced. Pulled up at end of July.
Beans (Pole)
 Blue Lake Organic
159"5" x 1' 1"Planted 4/7/16 with innoculant 6/13/16 - Only about3 plants, slowest to grow, no flowers, vining ok Bluelake - 5" Kentucky Wonder - 7-9" Prizewinner - 12-16" All beans grew and had blossoms excepty Bluelake. non really produced. Pulled up at end of July.
 Planter's Jumbo
12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"planted 4/10/16 with peat moss 6/13/16 - lots of yellow flowers, no fruit
 Hales Best Jumbo
22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"planted 4/10/16 with peat moss 6/13/16 - lots of yellow flowers, no fruit
Chili Pepper 11' 1"11" x 1' 3"6/13/16 - has had a couple of peppers growing for about 2 weeks - just startng to turn red, not quite ready 8/8 - producing like crazy. Don't know what to do with them!
Chili Pepper
 Super Chili Hybrid
21' 1"11" x 1' 3"Planted 4/2/16 with Alfalfa 6/13/16 - has had a couple of peppers growing for about 2 weeks - just startng to turn red, not quite ready. 8/8 - procducing a lot - don't know what to do with them. Won't grow next year.
Chili Pepper
21' 1"11" x 1' 3"planted 4/5/16 with alfalpha 6/13/16 - later than other peppers to start to form fruit. Has some small fruit 8/8 - producing like crazy.
Cilantro 27"5" x 9"Planted about 4/16/16 - Bolted early - need to plant much later than peppers if I want to use for salsa.
 Sugar Buns
121' 1"11" x 1' 5"planted 3/28 harvested - 6/13/16 - plants were short about 3.5 feet. Some ears were not developed but from both rows I got about 14 good ears. Worms were in the ends. I had put Canola oil in the ends but still had worms. Some ends were mushy and eaten.
 Extra Tender
121' 1"11" x 1' 5"planted 3/28 checked 6/13/16 but not ready, some ears not developed. Short stalks. Have had problems with ants and aphids. Some worms in the ends of cobs. Harvested June 17
 Tendergreen Burpless
31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Planted 4/2/16 with potash and bone meal Started harvesting fruit in early June. LOTS of fruit - Want to trellis next year. pick when 8" or less for pickles
 Homemade Pickles
31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Planted 4/2/16 with potash and bone meal Started harvesting fruit in early June. LOTS of fruit - Want to trellis next year.
61' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Planted 4/2/16 with potash and bone meal Started harvesting fruit in early June. LOTS of fruit - Want to trellis next year. Marketer - pick when 9" long
Dill 47"5" x 9"Grew like crazy but finally was finished at the end of July. Pulled up.
37"5" x 7"planted 4/5/16 with alfalpha
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Buttercrunch Butterhead
63"3" x 5"planted 3/28 Never started growing. :(
Lettuce (Leaf) 43"3" x 5"This was a transplant
Lettuce (Leaf)
63"3" x 5"planted 3/28 Growing well - thinned and transplanted
Lettuce (Leaf)
53"3" x 5"planted 3/28 Growing well - thinned and transplanted to other areas
Marigold 187"7" x 7"pulled up at end of July. Crowding Zucchini.
Nasturtium 1611"11" x 11"Never grew well. Over run by cucumbers.
 Clemson Spineless Organic
61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Planted 4/2/16 with cottonseed meal; Clemson - pick when 6" long 8/8 growing well; aphids/ants have been problem. Nothing works except spraying with water. Have tried Malathion, soap, and Neem.
 Emerald Green Velvet
61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Planted 4/2/16 with cottonseed meal started taking off 1st-2nd week of June Emerald - pick when 7-9" long 8/8 - about 5 1/2 ft tall. Aphids/ants have been a problem but are producing well. aphids/ants have been problem. Nothing works except spraying with water. Have tried Malathion, soap, and Neem.
Okra 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
 Videllia Onion
365"3" x 7"Planted 4/9 16 with sandy loam and peat moss. Also with Ammonium sulfate Never did well. Second row was transplants. Pruduced tiny onions.
 Progress No. 9
123"3" x 7"planted 3/28 didn't trellis correctly, very stunted, lots of yellow and brown leaves, dying leaves. Pulled up about the first of June.
 California Blackeye #5
583"3" x 7"planted 4/10/16 with peat moss and innoculator 6/13/16 - lots of pods, not ready yet 8/8 has been producing great up until end of July. Sprayed with iron because showed signes of lacking. Very dry, a lot of dead leaves on bottom. Still showing signs of iron deficiency or rust.
 Pinkeye Purple Hull
683"3" x 7"planted 4/10/16 with peat moss and innoculator 6/13/16 - doesnt have pods yet lik black eyes. 8/8 has been producing well. Much nore healthy thatn black eyes.
 Little Marvel
133"3" x 7"planted 3/28 didn't trellis correctly, very stunted, lots of yellow and brown leaves, dying leaves. Pulled up about the first of June.
Pepper 61' 1"11" x 1' 3"Planted 4/2/16 with Alfalfa and matchsticks 6/13/16 - has fruit - still too young. Having problem with end rot. Added Calcium but didn't help. 8/8 - Has been producing small fuit but not doing well until now.
Squash (Summer)
 Crookneck-Early Golden
31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"planted 3/31 w/alfalfa and Black Cow in hill 8/8 still producing but dying. Have had vine borers in all. Will try to keep harvesting. Also had End rot problems. Calcium didn't help.
Squash (Winter)
32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"planted 3/31 w/alfalfa Black Cow in hill 6/13/16 - Started vining late may - now has lots of fruit, Some are close to being ready - others are just starting to come out. Ravaged by Vine borers. Dead by end of July excpet for 2 small vines that are hangin on.
Tomato (Large)
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Indeterminate June 17 - haven't picked a ripe one. Growing but not turning yet. 8/8 has produced but not well but now is very dry and parts are dying. Has had leaf curl but I can't figure out why. Probably will pull up if I don't see improvement.
Tomato (Large)
 Big Beef Hybrid
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Indeterminate Growing well - 8/8 has produced fairly well but now is very dry and parts are dying. Has had leaf curl but I can't figure out why.
Tomato (Large)
 Jet Star
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Indeterminate Plant is very stunted with only 2 major stems. only have about 3 tomatoes. Leaves are yellow and browning. I think it has some kind of wilt. First harvested tomatoes - 6/13/16 - got (2). Only one left to ripen. Bird got to the good ones. :( lots of water helped. had to pull up by mid July. Never did well
Tomato (Large)
 Celebrity Hybrid
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Determinate First ripe tomato - 6/13/16 growing well 8/8 has produced fairly well but now is very dry and parts are dying. Has had leaf curl but I can't figure out why. Still producing...
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Gold
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"June - growing and producing like crazy! delicious - sweet 8/8 Very tiny tomatoes now and very few.Dry and brittle; much has died. Trying to keep alive - Favorite small tomato!
Tomato (Small)
 Black Cherry (OG)
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Indeterminate Starting to darken on 61316. Not harvesting yet. Slowest small tomato to ripen. like all tomatoes, yellow and brown leaves at bottom with some branches dying. 8/8 has produced OK but now is very dry and parts are dying. Won't plant again - don't like taste.
Tomato (Small)
 Yellow Pear
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Indeterminate - planted 4/5/16 with Alphalfa 6/13/16 - lots of tomatoes; harvested about 3 like all tomatoes, yellow and brown leaves at bottom with some branches dying. 8/8 - about dead like all. Won't grow again - don't like taste
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Sugar Hybrid
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Indeterminate - planted 4/3/16 with fish meal and cottonseed meal Started harvesting 6/13/16 like all tomatoes, yellow and brown leaves at bottom with some branches dying. Lack of water delicious and sweet! 8/8 8/8 Very tiny tomatoes now and very few. Dry and brittle; much has died. Trying to keep alive
31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"planted 3/31 w/alfalfa Black Cow in hill 8/8 - All came up and produced but vine borers have invaded all. Still producing but are dying fast.
 Black Beauty
31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"planted 3/31 w/alfalfa Black Cow in hill; After started fruiting, added calcium for end rot All have had end rot problems First in row - largest plant, most fruit, two plants together - all have gotten vine borers but this one is hanging on. Has been the best producer of all Black Beauty. 2nd in row - pulled up due to disease - some kind of wilt or bug in stem - lots of yellow leaves and curling leaves, stunted fruit (squash Vine borers) 3rd in row - two plants - plulled up one due to disease - some kind of wilt or other disease - same as middle plant (Squash vine vorers)

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Pole)
 Kentucky Wonder Organic
Beans (Pole)
 Blue Lake Organic
 Planter's Jumbo
 Hales Best Jumbo
Chili Pepper
Chili Pepper
 Super Chili Hybrid
Chili Pepper
 Sugar Buns
 Extra Tender
 Tendergreen Burpless
 Homemade Pickles
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Buttercrunch Butterhead
Lettuce (Leaf)
Lettuce (Leaf)
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Clemson Spineless Organic
 Emerald Green Velvet
 Videllia Onion
 Progress No. 9
 California Blackeye #5
 Pinkeye Purple Hull
 Little Marvel
Squash (Summer)
 Crookneck-Early Golden
Squash (Winter)
Tomato (Large)
Tomato (Large)
 Big Beef Hybrid
Tomato (Large)
 Jet Star
Tomato (Large)
 Celebrity Hybrid
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Gold
Tomato (Small)
 Black Cherry (OG)
Tomato (Small)
 Yellow Pear
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Sugar Hybrid
 Black Beauty